ZEISS 2 Safety | 2.4 Warning Labels and LightsPosition and Figure of the Safety La-belDescription4At the rear of the electron opticalcolumnContact may cause burn or electricshock. Only authorised serviceStaff is allowed to service theequipment.Disconnect power before opening.Hazardous voltage insideWARNING347800-0033-000-03enHazardous voltage insideContact may cause burn or electric shock. Onlyauthorized service Staff is allowed to service theequipment.Disconnect power before opening.Reorder no. 347800-0033-000-03en5At the rear of the electron opticalcolumnBurn hazardCAUTION347800-0033-000-05enHot surfaces inside during bakeoutprocedure.Do not place any combustibleobjects on the grids of the electronoptical column. Only authorisedservice staff is allowed to servicethe equipment.Disconnect power and let surfacescool before opening.Burn hazardHot surfaces inside during bakeout procedure.Do not place any combustible objects on thegrids of the electron optical column. Only autho-rised service staff is allowed to service the equip-ment.Disconnect power and let surfaces cool beforeopening.Reorder no. 347800-0033-000-05en6At the rear of the plinthSuffocation hazardCAUTION347800-0033-000-08enThe specimen chamber isventilated with gaseous nitrogen.Ensure that the area around theelectron microscope is sufficientlyventilated. Suffocation hazardThe specimen chamber is ventilated with gaseousnitrogen.Ensure that the area around the electron micro-scope is sufficiently ventilated.Reorder no. 347800-0033-000-08en7At the rear of the plinthHigh leakage currentCAUTION347800-0033-000-07enEnsure proper grounding.Do not operate the electronmicroscope without a separateground connection. High leakage currentEnsure proper grounding.Do not operate the electron microscope withouta separate ground connection.Reorder no. 347800-0033-000-07en8At the rear of the plinth347800-0033-000-10enIn Germany, the operation of the FESEM is permissionfreeas the following requirements are fulfilled:is limited to 30 kV.The acceleration voltage of this electron microscopeaccessible surface of theelectron microscope does notThe local dose rate at a distance of 0.1 m from theexceed 1 μS/h. In Germany, the operation of the FESEM is per-missionfree as the following requirements are ful-filled:The acceleration voltage of this electron micro-scope is limited to 30 kV.The local dose rate at a distance of 0.1 m fromthe accessible surface of the electron microscopedoes not exceed 1 μS/h.9At the rear of the plinth347800-0033-000-06enX-rays are generated inside theelectron microscope duringoperation.Do not remove any parts.Use genuine ZEISS partsexclusively.Observe local safety and X-rayprotection regulations.Radiation hazardCAUTION Radiation hazardX-rays are generated inside the electron micro-scope during operation.Do not remove any parts.Use genuine ZEISS parts exclusively.Observe local safety and X-ray protection regula-tions.Reorder no. 347800-0033-000-06enInstruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000 19