ZEISS 3 Product and Functional Description | 3.3 Optional Components and Accessories3.3.1.9 AsB DetectorPurpose The Angular selective Backscattered (AsB) detector is completely integrated into the pole piece ofthe Gemini lens. This allows you to image BSEs with ultra short working distance.The AsB detector is available either with one video output channel or with four video outputchannels. Imaging with the AsB4 detector is especially useful for 3D surface reconstructions usingthe optional 3DSM software. Please refer to Software Manual 3DSM.The AsB detector can be configured and used in VP configuration, but not if NanoVP is config-ured. As the AsB detector is integrated in the pole piece, it is not compatible with the beamsleeveused in NanoVP/XVP mode.1234Fig. 34: Schematics of the AsB detector1 InLens SE detector 2 Objective lens3 AsB detector 4 SpecimenFunction High angle BSEs carrying an energy close to the landing energy of the primary beam, are pro-jected into the Gemini column as well. If the angle is too low the BSEs will not enter the columnbut will land on the objective lens2 pole piece, where they can be detected by the integratedAsB detector.The AsB detector is equipped with four diodes, which can be controlled independently via amenu. Compositional mode images show the atomic contrast of the specimen4 , whereas to-pography mode images show surface details.InfoBSE imaging is only possible at acceleration voltages above 1.5 kV.Instruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000 57