nilan Compact P Polar EK 6 kW CTS 700 manuals
Compact P Polar EK 6 kW CTS 700
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- General information before starting installation
- Safety
- Compact P
- Installing Compact P
- Temperature sensor overview
- Condensation drain/water trap
- Water connection
- Power supply
- Duct connection
- Supplementary heating element DHW
- Fault finding
- Operation and maintenance
- Adjustment of EK for water-borne system
- Energy-saving tips for the optimal operation
- Accessories / spare parts
Compact P Polar EK 6 kW CTS 700
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Temperature sensor overview
- Control panel
- Display
- Menu structure
- Fan speed - Fan level
- Fan speed - at low outdoor temperature
- Room temperature - Desired room temperature
- Filter - Change filter settings
- Standby - Ventilation at pause
- Settings - Summer/winter Operation
- Settings - Temperature control
- Settings - De-icing
- Settings - Adjustment ventilators
- Settings - Heating coil
- Settings - Lock signal type
- Temperature - Domestic hot water
- Pause - Domestic hot water
- Close down the system
- Devices data - Compact P (Fan and domestic hot water)
- Weekly programmes
- User selection programmes
- User level settings
- Service - Product configured
- Service - Network settings
- Alarm list
Compact P Polar EK 6 kW CTS 700
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Revision history
- System Device Addressing
- Extract air filter
- Ventilation at low outdoor temperature
- Frost protection or de-icing
- BAH setting
- Antilegionella settings
- DHW supplement domestic hot water
- Temperature regulation AIR
- Hot water production
- Fan settings AIR
- Smart Grid Central heating settings
- GEO all devices data
- AIR9 all devices data
- Alarm list
- NILAN - CTS700
Compact P Polar EK 6 kW CTS 700
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Important information
- Safety switch
- The control panel
- Front page setting options
- Information
- Warnings and alarms
- Settings menu overview
- User and installer rights
- Maintenance
- Illustration of filter change
- Water trap
- Service
- Check ventilation ducts
- Ventilation
- Operating mode
- Humidity control
- Settings active cooling
- Ventilation at times of low outdoor air temperature
- Reading off temperatures
- Domestic hot water
- DHW settings domestic hot water production
- DHW anti-legionella
- General settings
- Week program
- Read data for ventilation and domestic hot water
- Alarm lists
- Emergency operation
- Ecodesign data
- CE declaration
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