110 C HAPTER 4: W ORKING W ITH THE C OMMAND LINE I NTERFACEAdding a StaticallyConfigured Addressto a Switch DatabaseYou can add a statically configured address to a switch database usingthe add command on the Address menu.To add an address to a port:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:bridge port address addThe following prompt is displayed:Select bridge port(1-12):2 Enter the number of the port that you wish to add an address to.The following prompt is displayed:Enter the address to be added:3 Enter the address, which must be entered in the form of hyphenseparated bytes, for example: 08-00-02-06-03-bd.The following prompt is displayed:Enter the VLAN ID for this address (1-4094) [1]:4 Enter the VLAN ID for the newly assigned address.Finding a MACAddressYou can find a MAC address within the address databases on all Switchunits within the stack using the find command on the Address menu.To find a port MAC address:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:bridge port address findThe following prompt is displayed:Enter the address:2 Enter the address that you wish to find. The address must be entered inthe form of hyphen separated bytes, for example: 08-00-02-06-03-bd.The command produces a display that shows all occurrences of theaddress within the stack forwarding database and indicates the unit andport number associated with it.