92 C HAPTER 3: W ORKING W ITH THE W EB INTERFACETo display the Total Errors graph:1 From the listbox, choose Total Errors.2 Click Apply.If you click a port on the Bandwidth Utilization or Total Errors graph, thegraph for that port is displayed.Interpreting the Statistics The Bandwidth Utilization graph scales automatically to display thepercentage of bandwidth used on all ports of the Switch over the last30 seconds: A bandwidth utilization of 0–25% (green bar on the graph)indicates that the ports are dealing with a light traffic load. A bandwidth utilization of 26–85% (yellow bar on the graph)indicates that the ports are dealing with a normal traffic load. A bandwidth utilization of 86–100% (red bar on the graph)indicates that the ports are dealing with a heavy traffic load. Thiscould be caused by a fault in your network, or an inadequatenetwork configuration. The Total Errors graph scales automatically to display the total numberof packets with errors that have been seen on the ports of the Switchover the last 30 seconds.Displaying PortStatisticsYou can display a range of statistics for a specific port on the Switch usingthe Port Graph page.To access the page:1 Click the Health icon on the side-bar.2 Click the Port Graph hotlink. The Port Graph page is displayed.The graphs that can be displayed by the Port Graph page are shown inFigure 26.