132 C HAPTER 4: W ORKING W ITH THE C OMMAND LINE I NTERFACE3 Enter the port number that you wish to add to the trunk. (The choice ofport numbers reflects suitable candidate ports.)You can not add a port to a trunk that is already a member of a trunk, ispart of a resilient link, is in VLT mode, or is selected as the copy port orstudy port.Displaying DetailedTrunk InformationYou can display detailed trunk information for a single trunk within thecurrent Switch unit using the detail command on the Trunk menu.To display detailed trunk information:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:feature trunk detailThe following prompt is displayed:Select Trunk Index (1-2):2 Enter the index number of the trunk for which you wish to see detailedinformation.3 The detailed trunk information is displayed as shown in the examplebelow.Removing a Port froma TrunkYou can remove a single port from a trunk using the removePortcommand on the Trunk menu.To remove a port from a trunk:1 At the Top-level menu, enter:feature trunk removePortThe following prompt is displayed:Select trunk index (1-2):2 Enter the index number of the trunk that you wish to remove a port from.Unit 2 Trunk 1Port Mode StatusUnit 2 Port 2 100 Half InactiveUnit 2 Port 3 100 Half InactiveUnit 2 Port 4 100 Half InactiveUnit 2 Port 5 100 Half InactiveSelect menu option: