MX2800 STS-1 System ManualMX2800 STS-1System ManualManual Part Number - 61204659L1-1ACD Part Number - 3253037@4204659L1 AC Non-Redundant Version with Modem4204659L2 AC Redundant Version with Modem4204659L3 DC Non-Redundant Version with Modem4204659L4 DC Redundant Version with Modem4204659L5 AC Non-Redundant Version without Modem4204659L6 AC Redundant Version without Modem4204659L7 DC Non-Redundant Version without Modem4204659L8 DC Redundant Version without Modem1200291L1 Breakout Panel4175043L2 Battery Backup1200657L2 Battery Backup Adapter Cable1200287L1 Amphenol to Punch-Down Cable, 25 foot1200287L5 Amphenol to Punch-Down Cable, 50 foot1200287L7 Amphenol to Punch-Down Cable, 100 foot1200291L5 BNC Patch Panel1200466L1 Fan Faceplate4204659L10 STS-1 AC/DC Redundant with Modem4204659L11 AC Non-Redundant with Modem with Fans4204659L12 AC Redundant with Modem with Fans4204659L13 DC Non-Redundant with Modem with Fans4204659L14 DC Redundant with Modem with Fans4204659L15 AC Non-Redundant without Modem with Fans4204659L16 AC Redundant without Modem with Fans4204659L17 DC Non-Redundant without Modem with Fans4204659L18 DC Redundant without Modem with Fans®April 2005