3-26 61204659L1-1ASection 3, Configuration MX2800 STS-1 User ManualSystem ManagementTrap Community NameEnter the identification string used for trap management. This string accompanies all traps transmitted bythe MX2800 STS-1.System SecurityUser Account ManagementThis option is used to enter up to 15 user accounts. Each user account is assigned a username, password,and privilege level. Usernames and passwords are not case sensitive but must be 12 characters or less. Eachuser account is assigned a privilege level which provides limitation of access to the MX2800 options andcontrols. The four privilege levels are listed below.GuestRead-only privilege level allows the display of most menu items on the console interface. A limitednumber of TL1 commands can be performed; however, none of these can alter the product configuration.InterfaceWrite-access privilege level allows the configuration of items related to the network interface and T1/E1interface, but does not allow initiation of loopbacks or view and/or alteration of system-level items such asLAN configurables.TestWrite-access privilege level allows configuration of the network interface and T1/E1 interface, plus initia-tion of loopbacks. View and/or alteration of system-level items such as LAN configurables, etc. is notpermitted.AdminWith Admin privilege level, all menu items can be viewed and/or altered. This is the only level that allowsalteration of the User Account Management information.User accounts provide access to the MX2800 for console interface sessions and TL1 sessions. Table 3-8provides a summary of privileges.NOTEThe Load Default Settings menu item that is located on the Configu-ration/Utilities menu resets the User Account Management table back to asingle default account adtran/adtran/admin.