A-8 61204659L1-1AAppendix A, Acceptance Test Procedure MX2800 STS-1 User ManualVerify System Redundancy6. VERIFY SYSTEM REDUNDANCYThis section will address the redundancy features of the MX2800. The MX2800 supports redundancy ofboth the power supply and controller cards. The information gathered in Verify Installed Options (cardinventory) will be utilized to determine the type of tests. The following sections describe the tests forvarious configurations.Power Supply RedundancyWhen installed in a bay, the MX2800 can be wired to have either one or two –48VDC power feeds (A andB). In addition, the MX2800 chassis can be equipped with either one or two power supply cards. Testscenarios for the two most common configurations can be found below:Dual Power Feed, Single Power Supply CardWhen the MX2800 is equipped with only a single power supply card, there is no protection against afailure of the card itself. However the single power supply card is capable of utilizing the A and B powerfeeds to protect against a failure in one of the power sources feeding the shelf. To verify that the MX2800is properly utilizing the A and B power feeds, the following procedure is suggested:1. With the MX2800 installed and operating normally, go to the fuse panel at the top of the bay, andremove the fuse corresponding to the “A” power feed for the MX2800 shelf. This should have noeffect on the operation of the shelf, as the MX2800 is now operating on the “B” power feed.2. Reinsert the fuse for the “A” power feed.3. Remove the fuse corresponding to the “B” power feed for the MX2800 shelf. There should be no effecton the operation of the shelf, as the MX2800 is now operating on the “A” power feed.4. Reinsert the fuse for the “B” power feed.Dual Power Feed, Dual Power Supply CardsWhen the MX2800 is equipped with two power supply cards, the shelf is protected against a failure ofeither of the power supply cards, as well as a failure in one of the power sources feeding the shelf. Use thefollowing procedure to demonstrate the operation of this fully redundant configuration:1. With the MX2800 installed and operating normally, open the front panel and remove the “A” powersupply card (the one on the left). This should have no effect on the operation of the shelf, as theMX2800 is now operating on the “B” power supply.2. Go to the fuse panel at the top of the bay and remove the fuse corresponding to the “A” power feed.This should have no effect on the operation of the shelf, as the “B” power supply is now running on the“B” power feed.3. Reinsert the fuse for the “A” power feed.4. Remove the fuse corresponding to the “B” power feed to the shelf. This should have no effect on theoperation of the shelf, as the “B” power supply is now operating on the “A” power feed.5. Reinsert the fuse for the “B” power feed.6. Reinsert the “A” power supply into the MX2800 chassis.