61204659L1-1A A-1A PPENDIX A, A CCEPTANCE TEST P ROCEDUREAppendix AAcceptance Test Procedure1. INTRODUCTIONThis appendix describes the procedures to be used in performing acceptance testing of the Total AccessMX2800 STS-1 Multiplexer. It is assumed that the MX2800 has already been installed, powered-up, andcabled to the DSX-1 and STS-1 cross connects, according to the specifications described in the MX2800User Manual and local operating company practices.The MX2800 multiplexer consolidates 28 DS1 circuits onto an STS-1 circuit. Several configurationoptions are available. This procedure addresses the following tasks:• Verify Installed Options on page A-1• Configure the Unit for Test on page A-2• Verify Data Throughput on page A-5• Verify Alarms on page A-7• Verify System Redundancy on page A-8• Restore Default Settings on page A-9• Turn Up Unit for Customer Traffic on page A-10• Checklist/Sign-off on page A-102. VERIFY INSTALLED OPTIONSThe installed configuration determines the level of redundancy supported by the unit. One or two PowerSupply Units (PSU) may be installed; one or two Controller Card Units (CCU) may be installed. One ofeach is required for non-redundant operation (two of each for full redundancy). Refer to Replacing orInstalling Cards on page 2-16 for instructions on removing the front panel and identifying the cards.Inventory the cards installed using Table A-12, record in the table below, and then replace the front panel.Table A-12. MX2800 STS-1 Card InventoryIf this card is installed... CheckPower Supply A (far left slot) installed?Power Supply B (next slot to right) installed?STS-1 Controller A (lower controller card) installed?STS-1 Controller B (upper controller card) installed?