A-2 61204659L1-1AAppendix A, Acceptance Test Procedure MX2800 STS-1 User ManualConfigure the Unit for Test3. CONFIGURE THE UNIT FOR TESTPrior to performing the desired tests, a minimal configuration must be established on the MX2800. Followthe process in the following subsections:• Access the Craft Port on page A-2• Provision the STS-1 on page A-2• Provision the DS1 Ports on page A-3• Configure Alarm Relays on page A-4Access the Craft PortThe MX2800 is shipped with a flat silver-satin cable and a DB-9 adapter. Follow this procedure to connectthe MX2800 with the terminal/PC and access the menu system.1. Plug the silver-satin cable into the CRAFT port on the front panel of the MX2800.2. Using the DB-9 adapter (if required) connect the other end of the cable into the COMx port of theterminal/PC.3. Initiate a terminal emulation program on the terminal or PC.4. For PC access, use a terminal emulator applications (i.e. Procomm, Crosstalk, HyperTerminal, etc.).Set options for VT100 emulation, with a character format of 9600, N, 8, 1.5. Press the key until a “username” prompt appears.6. The default factory username and password are adtran (all lower case).7. When username and password are successfully entered, the MX2800 STS-1 Main Menu appears. Thisis the screen from which all other functionality is accessed, and will be used in subsequent steps.For help in navigating the menu screens, or if difficulty is encountered, refer to Craft Port on page 2-8 formore details.Provision the STS-1To put the MX2800 STS-1 in operation, both the STS-1 and DS1 ports must be properly provisioned. Thenext subsections provide guidance in provisioning of the STS-1 and then the DS1 ports.• Provision the STS-1 on page A-2• Provision the DS1 Ports on page A-3From the Main Menu, select Configuration, then select Network Interface. The Network Configurationscreen should appear. Set each of the options on this screen as follows: