MX2800 STS-1 User Manual Transaction Language 1 (TL1), Section 9TL1 Autonomous Messages61204659L1-1A 9-115. TL1 AUTONOMOUS MESSAGESAutonomous messages provide a mechanism for real time reporting of system events. Transmission ofthese messages is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. Although most events reported arealarms, some events are only informational. The Verb, Mod1, and Mod2 parameters of the messageindicate what type of event has occurred.NOTEThe default setting for autonomous Message reporting is OFF.REPT-ALM indicates an alarm event. Table 9-3 lists possible autonomous messages for alarm events.Table 9-3. MX2800 STS-1 Alarm EventsAID NotificationCodeConditionTypeServiceAffecting Location DescriptionREPTALMT1101-128 MJ TSA SA NEND DS1 In-test101-128 MJ LOS SA NEND Loss Of Signal101-128 MJ FACTERM NSA NEND T1 FailureREPTALMVT1201-228 MN LOP-V SA NEND VT path Loss of Pointer201-228 MN AIS-V SA FEND VT path Alarm IndicationSignal201-228 MN RFI-V SA FEND VT path Remote FailureIndication201-228 MN SLMF NSA FEND VT path Signal Label Mis-match201-228 MN UNEQ-V NSA FEND VT path Unequipped