3-18 61204659L1-1ASection 3, Configuration MX2800 STS-1 User ManualSystem ManagementFigure 3-11. Dialup Options MenuPrimary and Secondary Phone NumbersWhen the MX2800 dials out to send a trap, it first dials the Primary Phone Number. If the call is unsuccess-ful, it tries the Secondary Phone Number. Attempts between the two numbers continue until a call is estab-lished and the trap is reported (or until each number’s maximum redial attempts is reached; refer toMaximum Redial Attempts below).Initializing StringThis AT command in this field is used to initialize the modem, and is normally left at the default setting ofATZ.Dial StringThis AT command causes the modem to dial out, and is normally left at the default setting (ATDT).Maximum Redial AttemptsThis setting controls the number of times a call is attempted. If a successful call is not established after thefinal attempt, the MX2800 discards the trap messages.Idle TimeoutAfter establishing a call and sending trap messages, the MX2800 remains online for the number of secondsset in this field. If the field is set to 0, the unit disconnects as soon as the trap is sent.Connection TimeoutThis setting determines the number of seconds the MX2800 waits for a connection. Timing begins as soonas the dial command is issued. This field must be set for greater than 20 seconds.