MX2800 STS-1 User Manual Installation and Operation, Section 2Front Panel61204659L1-1A 2-9Establishing Terminal ConnectionNOTEA Telnet menu session has priority over a terminal menu session throughthe craft port. If a terminal menu session is active when a Telnet menusession is initiated, the terminal menu session will be disabled while theTelnet menu session is active.To connect the MX2800 STS-1 to a VT100 terminal, follow the steps below:1. Configure the VT100 terminal as follows:• 9600, 19200, 38400, or 57600 baud• 8-bit characters• no parity• one stop bit2. Using the terminal interface cable adapter provided by ADTRAN, connect the DTE port of a terminalto the 8-pin modular jack labeled CRAFT on the MX2800 STS-1 front panel.3. Initialize the terminal session.4. Press E NTER repeatedly until the username: prompt appears.5. Enter the user name. The factory default user name is adtran (all lower-case). The password: promptappears.6. Enter the password. The factory default password is adtran (all lower-case). The Main Menudisplays (see Figure 2-5).7. Make selections by entering the number corresponding to the chosen parameter. Press E SC on thekeyboard to return to the previous screen. End a terminal session by selecting Logout from the MainMenu or by pressing C TRL +C at any time.