General Configuration Using Local ManagementCSX200 Family User’s Guide 133Enabling RIP on a PortIPX RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a widely implemented routing protocol that is usedextensively on IPX intermediations. IPX Routing Services use the RIP to send and gatherinformation about the inter-network topology. This information is used to construct and maintain adatabase, called the RIP Route Table, containing the addresses and available routes to all thenetworks and hosts that RIP has learned.Enabling RIP allows IPX Routing Services to build and maintain a dynamic database of routeinformation. The best routes learned by RIP are added to IPX Forwarding Table to be used toforward IPX packets. The ability to switch RIP on and off on a port-by-port basis provides greatflexibility. On the same device, some router ports can be running RIP while other router ports arenot. If necessary, you can temporarily disable RIP on any port without affecting the rest of yourconfiguration.To enable RIP, perform the following steps:1. From the IPX Configuration screen, highlight IPX RIP and then press ENTER.The IPX RIP Configuration screen, shown in Figure 63, displays.2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Port option.3. Type in the number of the port that you wish to enable RIP routing and then press ENTER.4. Use the arrow keys to highlight the System Level RIP option. The System Level RIP optiondisables or enables for all ports.5. Use the ENTER key to toggle the entry to ENABLED.6. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Port Level RIP option. The Port Level RIP option disablesor enables a port.7. Use the ENTER key to toggle the entry to ENABLED.8. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command field at the bottom of the screen, and thenpress ENTER. The message “SAVED OK” displays.