WAN Configuration Using Local ManagementCSX200 Family User’s Guide 1574. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Then press ENTER. The message “SAVEDONE!” displays and Local Management saves the changes to memory.5. Access the WAN Interface Configuration screen by using the arrow keys to highlight the WANInt Config option, then press ENTER.PPP Interface ConfigurationThis screen is accessed through the WAN Physical Configuration screen. Refer to Figure 72 andproceed with the following steps to configure the WAN Interface through Local Management.1. Use the arrow keys to highlight Interface Number. Set the WAN connection Interface Numberby typing the same number found in the Interfaces field on the WAN Physical Configurationscreen into the Interface Number field, then press ENTER. In this example, the PhysicalConfiguration screen uses Interface 002 for the WAN connection.2. Use the arrow keys to highlight Line Coding. Press the SPACEBAR to select NONE, thenpress ENTER.3. Use the arrow keys to highlight Active Protocol. Press the SPACEBAR to select PPP, thenpress ENTER.4. Use the arrow keys to highlight PPP Type. Press the SPACEBAR to select BNCP, then pressENTER.5. Use the arrow keys to highlight CCP Enable. Press the SPACEBAR to select ON, if you wantdata compression enabled or OFF, if you do not, then press ENTER.6. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER. The message “SAVEDONE!” displays and Local Management saves the changes to memory. The interface isassigned to an application port (PT#) in the table.The WAN configuration is complete. It takes up to 60 seconds for the WAN Interface to come outof standby and for communications to begin.NOTESet Force CTS and Force DSR to YES only if the CSU/DSU does not support theseflow control terms.