CSX200 Configuration with QuickSET52 CSX200 Family User’s GuideT1 Line BuildOut — Displays the signal level for the physical DI line. Set this to 0 dB unless theservice provider recommends another setting. The default setting for this field is 0 dB. Click on theappropriate radio button for the following levels:• 0 (Zero) dB• -7.5 dB• -15 dBT1 Line Coding — Displays the line coding for the physical DI line. The selections togglebetween B8ZS and AMI. The default setting for this field is B8ZS.T1 Loop-Back — Network Loopback is a testing procedure that segments the line and allows youto isolate faults. The selections for this field toggle between No Loop and Line Loop. In Line Loopall 24 channels are looped back to the DI line. The CyberSWITCH must be in Loop-Timing modeto use this option. The default setting is No Loop.T1 Transmit Clock Source — Displays the DI Transmit Clock Source. Click on the radio buttonto select either the Loop-Timing (Extracted Line Data) or Local-Timing (Internal Clock) option.The default setting for this field is Loop-Timing.Protocol — Displays the active protocol for the Wide Area DI interface. The selections for thisfield are either Frame Relay or Point-to-Point (PPP). The default setting for this field is PPP.Link Management Protocol — If Frame Relay is the selected protocol, this field displays Q.933Annex A and T1.617 Annex D. The default for Frame Relay is T1.617 Annex D. This field isgrayed out and not used for PPP.Once the Wide Area DI configuration is complete, click on the Next>> button, and go to the WideArea Frame Relay Time Slot Configuration Window or the Wide Area PPP Time SlotConfiguration Window section, depending on which protocol you are using.