CHAPTER 6: LOCAL MANAGEMENT6-18SEHI USER’S GUIDEThe following sections describe SNMP Tools screen fields andinstructions on how to change them.Community NameIdentifies the community name used as a password to determine accesslevel to the MIB component.OID PrependSpecifies the number prefix common to all Object Identifiers (OIDs)found in the MIBs - is the default prefix OID. This is a modifiablefield.GetLets you retrieve MIB objects using SNMP protocol.SetLets users with Read-Write and Super-User access change modifiableMIB objects, using SNMP protocol.Get NextDisplays the OID following the current OID.WalkAllows the user to scroll through a section of the MIB leaf by leaf, from auser-specified object identifier. Leaves are the sections of the OIDseparated by periods. When a walk is initialized, the following categoriesfor each walk entry, or step are displayed.Specified OID - gives the number tag for that OID.Size - identifies the number of bytes it takes to store that object.Type - specifies the object’s variable type (e.g., int = integer).Data - displays what the object identifier represents.Recall-OIDRecalls, from memory, the last OID used.