CHAPTER 6: LOCAL MANAGEMENT6-24SEHI USER’S GUIDEOOW CollisionsDisplays the number of Out Of Window collisions. OOW collisions areusually caused by the network being too long where the round trippropagation delay is greater than 51.2 μs (the collision domain is toolarge), a station somewhere on the network is violating Carrier Sense andtransmitting at will, or a cable somewhere on the network failed duringthe transmission of the packet.CRC ErrorsDisplays the number of packets with bad Cyclic Redundancy Checks(CRC) that have been received from the network. The CRC is a 4 bytefield in the data packet that ensures that the transmitted data that isreceived is the same as the data that was originally sent.Alignment ErrorsDisplays the number of errors due to misaligned packets.Runt PacketsDisplays the number of runt packets received from the network. A runtpacket is less than the minimum Ethernet frame size of 64 bytes, notincluding preamble.Giant PacketsDisplays the number of packets received whose size exceeded 1518 databytes, not including preamble.Port Admin. StatusDisplays the administrative status of the port selected. The two possiblestatus messages are Enable or Disable.Port Seg. StatusDisplays the segmentation status of the port selected. The two possiblestatus messages are Segmented or Unsegmented. The SEHI and SEHautomatically partition problem segments, and reconnect non-problemsegments to the network.Enable PortThis command lets the user enable the selected port.