This application or device contains software fromGracenote, Inc. of Emeryville, California (“Gracenote”).The software from Gracenote (the “GracenoteSoftware”) enables this application to perform discand/or file identification and obtain music-relatedinformation, including name, artist, track, and titleinformation (“Gracenote Data”) from online servers orembedded databases (collectively, “Gracenote Servers”)and to perform other functions.You may use Gracenote Data only by means of theintended End-User functions of this application ordevice. You agree that you will use Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and Gracenote Servers for yourown personal non-commercial use only. You agree notto assign, copy, transfer or transmit the GracenoteSoftware or any Gracenote Data to any third party.YOU AGREE NOT TO USE OR EXPLOITGRACENOTE DATA, THE GRACENOTE SOFTWARE,OR GRACENOTE SERVERS, EXCEPT ASEXPRESSLY PERMITTED HEREIN. You agree thatyour non-exclusive license to use the Gracenote Data,the Gracenote Software, and Gracenote Servers willterminate if you violate these restrictions. If your licenseterminates, you agree to cease any and all use ofthe Gracenote Data, the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers.Gracenote reserves all rights in Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and the Gracenote Servers,including all ownership rights.Under no circumstances will Gracenote become liablefor any payment to you for any information that youprovide. You agree that Gracenote, Inc. may enforce itsrights under this Agreement against you directly in itsown name.The Gracenote service uses a unique identifier to trackqueries for statistical purposes.The purpose of a randomly assigned numeric identifieris to allow the Gracenote service to count querieswithout knowing anything about who you are. For moreinformation, see the web page for the GracenotePrivacy Policy for the Gracenote service.The Gracenote Software and each item of GracenoteData are licensed to you “AS IS.” Gracenote makes norepresentations or warranties, express or implied,regarding the accuracy of any Gracenote Data from inthe Gracenote Servers.Gracenote reserves the right to delete data from theGracenote Servers or to change data categories for anycause that Gracenote deems sufficient.No warranty is made that the Gracenote Software orGracenote Servers are error-free or that functioning ofGracenote Software or Gracenote Servers will beuninterrupted.3-94