Black plate (44,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 20104-44 Instruments and ControlsLightingSelect the Lighting menu and thefollowing will be displayed:. Vehicle Locator Lights. Exit LightingVehicle Locator LightsThis allows the vehicle locator lightsto be turned on or off.Press the MENU / SELECT knobwhen Vehicle Locator Lights ishighlighted. Turn the knob to selectOn or Off. Press the knob to confirmand go back to the last menu.Exit LightingThis allows the selection of howlong the exterior lamps stay onwhen leaving the vehicle when it isdark outside.Press the MENU / SELECT knobwhen Exit Lighting is highlighted.Turn the knob to select Off,30 Seconds, 1 Minute, or 2 Minutes.Press the knob to confirm and goback to the last menu.Power Door LocksSelect Power Door Locks and thefollowing will be displayed:. Unlocked Door Anti Lock Out. Auto Door Unlock. Delayed Door LockUnlocked Door Anti Lock OutWhen on, this feature will keep thedriver door from locking when thedoor is open. If off is selected, theDelayed Door Lock menu will beavailable and the door will lock asprogrammed through this menu.Press the MENU / SELECT knobwhen Auto Door Unlock ishighlighted. Turn the knob to selectOn or Off. Press the knob to confirmand go back to the last menu.Auto Door UnlockThis allows selection of which of thedoors will automatically unlock whenthe vehicle is shifted into P (Park).Press the MENU / SELECTknob when Auto Door Unlock ishighlighted. Turn the knob to selectAll Doors, Driver Door, or Off. Pressthe knob to confirm and go back tothe last menu.Delayed Door LockWhen on, this feature will delaythe locking of the doors untilfive seconds after the last door isclosed. You will hear three chimesto signal delayed locking is in use.Pressing either the power lockbutton or the lock button on the RKEtransmitter twice will override thedelayed locking feature andimmediately lock all of the doors.Press the MENU / SELECTknob when Delayed Door Lock ishighlighted. Turn the knob to selectOn or Off. Press the knob to confirmand go back to the last menu.