Black plate (59,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 2010Vehicle Care 9-59Tire PressureTires need the correct amount ofair pressure to operateeffectively.Notice: Do not let anyone tellyou that under‐inflation orover‐inflation is all right. It isnot. If your tires do not haveenough air (under‐inflation),you can get the following:. Too much flexing. Too much heat. Tire overloading. Premature orirregular wear. Poor handling. Reduced fuel economyIf your tires have too much air(over‐inflation), you can getthe following:. Unusual wear. Poor handling. Rough ride. Needless damage fromroad hazardsA vehicle specific Tire andLoading Information label isattached to your vehicle. Thislabel shows your vehicle'soriginal equipment tires and thecorrect inflation pressures foryour tires when they are cold.The recommended cold tireinflation pressure, shown on thelabel, is the minimum amount ofair pressure needed to supportyour vehicle's maximum loadcarrying capacity.For additional informationregarding how much weight yourvehicle can carry, and anexample of the Tire and LoadingInformation label, see VehicleLoad Limits on page 8‑11. Howyou load your vehicle affectsvehicle handling and ridecomfort. Never load your vehiclewith more weight than it wasdesigned to carry.