Black plate (47,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 2010Instruments and Controls 4-47How OnStar Service WorksQ : This blue button connects youto a specially trained OnStar advisorto verify your account informationand to answer questions.] : Push this red emergencybutton to get priority help fromspecially trained OnStar emergencyadvisors.X : Push this button for hands‐free,voice‐activated calling and to givevoice commands for turn‐by‐turnnavigation.Crisis Assist, Stolen VehicleAssistance, Vehicle Diagnostics,Remote Door Unlock, RoadsideAssistance, Turn‐by‐TurnNavigation and Hands‐FreeCalling are available on mostvehicles. Not all OnStar servicesare available on all vehicles.For more information see theOnStar Owner's Guide or (U.S.) (Canada), contactOnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR(1‐888‐466‐7827) or TTY1‐877‐248‐2080, or press Q tospeak with an OnStar advisor24 hours a day, 7 days a week.For a full description of OnStarservices and system limitations,see the OnStar Owner's Guide inthe glove box.OnStar service is subject to theOnStar terms and conditionsincluded in the OnStar SubscriberInformation.OnStar service cannot work unlessthe vehicle is in a place whereOnStar has an agreement with awireless service provider for servicein that area. OnStar service alsocannot work unless the vehicle is ina place where the wireless serviceprovider OnStar has hired for thatarea has coverage, networkcapacity and reception when theservice is needed, and technologythat is compatible with the OnStarservice. Not all services areavailable everywhere, particularly inremote or enclosed areas, or at alltimes.The OnStar system can record andtransmit vehicle information. Thisinformation is automatically sent toan OnStar call center when Q ispressed, ] is pressed, or if theairbags or ACR system deploy.This information usually includesthe vehicle's GPS location and, inthe event of a crash, additionalinformation regarding the crash thatthe vehicle was involved in (e.g. thedirection from which the vehicle washit). When the virtual advisor featureof OnStar hands-free calling isused, the vehicle also sends OnStarthe vehicle's GPS location so theycan provide services where it islocated.