Black plate (51,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 2010Seats and Restraints 2-51Child restraints and booster seatsvary considerably in size, and somemay fit in certain seating positionsbetter than others. Always makesure the child restraint is properlysecured.Depending on where you place thechild restraint and the size of thechild restraint, you may not be ableto access adjacent safety beltassemblies or LATCH anchors foradditional passengers or childrestraints. Adjacent seatingpositions should not be used if thechild restraint prevents access to orinterferes with the routing of thesafety belt.Wherever you install a childrestraint, be sure to secure thechild restraint properly.Keep in mind that an unsecuredchild restraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inyour vehicle — even when no childis in it.If you need to secure more than onechild restraint in the rear seat,review the following illustrations.Configurations for Use of ChildRestraintsA. Child restraint using LATCHB. Occupant prohibitedA. Child restraint using LATCHB. Occupant prohibitedC. Child restraint or occupantusing safety beltA. Child restraint or occupantusing safety beltA. Child restraint or occupantusing safety beltB. Child restraint using LATCH