Black plate (28,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 20102-28 Seats and RestraintsAirbag SystemThe vehicle has the followingairbags:. A frontal airbag for the driver.. A frontal airbag for the right frontpassenger.. A seat-mounted side impactairbag for the driver.. A seat-mounted side impactairbag for the right frontpassenger.. A roof-rail airbag for the driverand the passenger seateddirectly behind the driver.. A roof-rail airbag for the rightfront passenger and thepassenger seated directlybehind the right front passenger.All of the airbags in the vehicle willhave the word AIRBAG embossedin the trim or on an attached labelnear the deployment opening.For frontal airbags, the wordAIRBAG will appear on the middlepart of the steering wheel for thedriver and on the instrument panelfor the right front passenger.With seat-mounted side impactairbags, the word AIRBAG willappear on the side of the seatbackclosest to the door.With roof-rail airbags, the wordAIRBAG will appear along the trim.Even if you do not have a right frontpassenger seat in the vehicle thereis still an active frontal airbag in theright side of the instrument panel.Do not place cargo in front of thisairbag.{ WARNINGBe sure that cargo is not near anairbag. In a crash, an inflatingairbag might force that objecttoward a person. This couldcause severe injury or evendeath. Secure objects away fromthe area in which an airbag wouldinflate. For more information, seeWhere Are the Airbags? onpage 2‑30 and Vehicle LoadLimits on page 8‑11.Airbags are designed to supplementthe protection provided by safetybelts. Even though today's airbagsare also designed to help reducethe risk of injury from the force of aninflating bag, all airbags must inflatevery quickly to do their job.