Black plate (15,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 2010Keys, Doors and Windows 1-15Notice: If you open the liftgatewithout checking for overheadobstructions such as a garagedoor, you could damage theliftgate or the liftgate glass.Always check to make sure thearea above and behind the liftgateis clear before opening it.Choose the power liftgate mode byturning the dial on the switch untilthe indicator lines up with thedesired position.The three modes are:MAX : The liftgate power opens tothe full open height.3/4 : The liftgate power opens to areduced open height that can be setby the vehicle operator in a range ofapproximately 3/4 open to full open.Use this setting to prevent theliftgate from opening into overheadobstructions such as a garage dooror roof mounted cargo during poweroperation. The liftgate can still beopened fully manually.OFF: The liftgate only operatesmanually in this position.Manual operation of a liftgate thatalso has power operation requiresmore effort than with a standardmanual liftgate.In either the MAX or the 3/4 mode,the liftgate can be power openedand closed by:. Pressing & on the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) transmitteruntil the liftgate starts moving.See Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation onpage 1‑3.. Pressing & on the center ofthe mode switch on the driverdoor, with the driver doorunlocked.. Pressing the touchpad switch onthe liftgate outside handle, withall doors unlocked, to open theliftgate.Press and release & on theliftgate adjacent to the latch to closethe liftgate.Pressing any liftgate button, or thetouchpad switch while the liftgate ismoving, stops it. Pressing the buttonor RKE switch again reverses thedirection. There is a minimumdistance that the power liftgate mustalready be open for the system tohold it open. If movement is stoppedbelow that minimum, the liftgatecloses.Do not force the liftgate open orclosed during a power cycle.