Black plate (25,1)Cadillac SRX Owner Manual - 2010Vehicle Care 9-25Replacing Brake System PartsThe braking system on a vehicle iscomplex. Its many parts have to beof top quality and work well togetherif the vehicle is to have really goodbraking. The vehicle was designedand tested with top-quality brakeparts. When parts of the brakingsystem are replaced, be sure to getnew, approved replacement parts.If this is not done, the brakes mightnot work properly. For example,installing disc brake pads that arewrong for the vehicle, can changethe balance between the front andrear brakes — for the worse. Thebraking performance expected canchange in many other ways if thewrong replacement brake parts areinstalled.Brake FluidThe brake master cylinder reservoiris filled with DOT 3 brake fluid asindicated on the reservoir cap. SeeEngine Compartment Overview onpage 9‑6 for the location of thereservoir.There are only two reasons why thebrake fluid level in the reservoirmight go down:. The brake fluid level goes downbecause of normal brake liningwear. When new linings areinstalled, the fluid level goesback up.. A fluid leak in the brakehydraulic system can also causea low fluid level. Have the brakehydraulic system fixed, since aleak means that sooner or laterthe brakes will not work well.