Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15Instruments and Controls 151REPLACE BATTERY INREMOTE KEYThis message displays when thebattery in the RKE transmitter needsto be replaced.Lamp MessagesAUTOMATIC LIGHT CONTROLON/OFFThis message is displayed when theautomatic light control has beenturned on or off. See AutomaticHeadlamp System 0 172.XX TURN INDICATOR FAILUREWhen one of the turn signals is out,this message displays to showwhich bulb needs to be replaced.See Bulb Replacement 0 288 andReplacement Bulbs 0 289.TURN SIGNAL ONThis message is displayed if theturn signal has been left on. Turn offthe turn signal.Object Detection SystemMessages24 GHz RADARS OFFThis message displays when drivingin certain areas where there may beradar interference. Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC), Forward CollisionAlert (FCA), and the FrontAutomatic Braking (FAB) Systemmay not work or may not work aswell. The vehicle does not needservice.AUTOMATIC COLLISIONPREP OFFThis message displays when theFront Automatic Braking (FAB)System has been turned off. SeeFront Automatic Braking (FAB)System 0 240.AUTOMATIC COLLISION PREPREDUCEDIf the vehicle has Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC), this messagedisplays when the Front AutomaticBraking (FAB) System has been setto the Alert setting. This settingdisables FAB functions but if thevehicle has Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC), some last-second automaticbraking capability is still provided,though less likely to occur. SeeFront Automatic Braking (FAB)System 0 240.AUTOMATIC COLLISION PREPUNAVAILABLEThis message displays when theFront Automatic Braking (FAB)System has been unavailable forsome time. The FAB System doesnot need service. This message candisplay under the followingconditions:. The front of the vehicle orwindshield is not clean. Keepthese areas clean and free ofmud, dirt, snow, ice, and slush.For cleaning instructions, seeExterior Care 0 333.. Heavy rain or snow is interferingwith the object detectionperformance.