Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15Vehicle Care 283Brake FluidThe brake master cylinder reservoiris filled with GM approved DOT 3brake fluid as indicated on thereservoir cap. See EngineCompartment Overview 0 265 forthe location of the reservoir.Checking Brake FluidWith the vehicle in P (Park) on alevel surface, the brake fluid levelshould be between the minimumand maximum marks on the brakefluid reservoir.There are only two reasons why thebrake fluid level in the reservoir maygo down:. Normal brake lining wear. Whennew linings are installed, thefluid level goes back up.. A fluid leak in the brakehydraulic system. Have thebrake hydraulic system fixed.With a leak, the brakes will notwork well.Always clean the brake fluidreservoir cap and the area aroundthe cap before removing it.Do not top off the brake fluid.Adding fluid does not correct a leak.If fluid is added when the linings areworn, there will be too much fluidwhen new brake linings areinstalled. Add or remove fluid, asnecessary, only when work is doneon the brake hydraulic system.{ WarningIf too much brake fluid is added, itcan spill on the engine and burn,if the engine is hot enough. Youor others could be burned, andthe vehicle could be damaged.Add brake fluid only when work isdone on the brake hydraulicsystem.When the brake fluid falls to a lowlevel, the brake warning light comeson. See Brake System WarningLight 0 133.Brake fluid absorbs water over timewhich degrades the effectiveness ofthe brake fluid. Replace brake fluidat the specified intervals to preventincreased stopping distance. SeeMaintenance Schedule 0 344.What to AddUse only GM approved DOT 3brake fluid from a clean, sealedcontainer. See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants 0 353.{ WarningThe wrong or contaminated brakefluid could result in damage to thebrake system. This could result inthe loss of braking leading to apossible injury. Always use theproper GM approved brake fluid.