Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15Seats and Restraints 97H : Seating positions with twolower anchors.To assist in locating the loweranchors, each seating position withlower anchors has two labels, nearthe crease between the seatbackand the seat cushion.To assist in locating the top tetheranchors, the top tether anchorsymbol is on the cover.The outboard lower anchors arebehind the vertical openings in theseat trim.The top tether anchors are behindthe rear seat, on the filler panel.Open the covers to access theanchors. Be sure to use an anchoron the same side of the vehicle asthe seating position where the childrestraint will be placed.Do not secure a child restraint in aposition without a top tether anchorif a national or local law requiresthat the top tether be attached, or ifthe instructions that come with thechild restraint say that the top tethermust be attached.According to accident statistics,children and infants are safer whenproperly restrained in a childrestraint system or infant restraintsystem secured in a rear seatingposition. See Where to Put theRestraint 0 94 for additionalinformation.