Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15Climate Controls 181turned off or the outsidetemperature falls below freezing, theair conditioner will not run.Press AUTO to return to automaticoperation and the air conditionerruns as needed.Automatic Air Recirculation :When the AUTO indicator light ison, the air is automaticallyrecirculated as needed to helpquickly cool the inside of thevehicle.The climate control system mayhave a sensor to detect air pollution.When using automatic airrecirculation, the air quality controlsystem may operate. To adjust thesensitivity of the air quality sensor,see “Climate and Air Quality” underVehicle Personalization 0 157.@ : Press to alternate betweenrecirculating air inside the vehicle orpulling in outside air. The indicatorlight on the button is lit whenrecirculation mode is active. Thishelps to quickly cool the air insidethe vehicle or reduce the outside airand odors that might enter.Pressing this button cancelsautomatic recirculation. Press AUTOto return to automatic operation;recirculation runs automatically asneeded.Manual recirculation mode is notavailable when in Defrost or Defogmodes.Auto Defog : The climate controlsystem may have a sensor toautomatically detect high humidityinside the vehicle. When highhumidity is detected, the climatecontrol system may adjust tooutside air supply and turn on theair conditioner. If the climate controlsystem does not detect possiblewindow fogging, it returns to normaloperation. To turn Auto Defog off oron, see “Climate and Air Quality”under VehiclePersonalization 0 157.Ionizer : If equipped with an ionizer,this feature helps to clean the airinside the vehicle and removecontaminants such as pollen, odors,and dust. If the climate controlsystem is on and the ionizer isenabled, the ionizer status indicatorwill be lit on the climate controltouch screen. To turn the ionizer onor off, see “Climate and Air Quality”under VehiclePersonalization 0 157.Rear Window DefoggerK : Press to turn the rear windowdefogger on or off.The rear window defogger can beset to automatic operation. See“Climate and Air Quality” underVehicle Personalization 0 157.When Auto Rear Defog is selected,the rear window defogger turns onautomatically when the interiortemperature is cold and the outsidetemperature is about 4 °C (40 °F)and below.The upper grid lines on the rearwindow are antenna lines and arenot intended to heat when thedefogger is activated.The heated outside rearview mirrorsturn on when the rear windowdefogger button is on and help toclear fog or frost from the surface ofthe mirrors.