Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15240 Driving and OperatingCleaning the SystemIf the FCA system does not seem tooperate properly, cleaning theoutside of the windshield in front ofthe rearview mirror, and cleaning thefront of the vehicle where radarsensors are located, may correctthe issue.Front Automatic Braking(FAB) SystemIf the vehicle has Forward CollisionAlert (FCA), it also has FAB, whichincludes Intelligent BrakeAssist (IBA). When the systemdetects a vehicle ahead in your paththat is traveling in the samedirection that you may be about tocrash into, it can provide a boost tobraking or automatically brake thevehicle. This can help avoid orlessen the severity of crashes whendriving in a forward gear. Dependingon the situation, the vehicle mayautomatically brake moderately orhard. This front automatic brakingcan only occur if a vehicle isdetected. This is shown by the FCAvehicle ahead indicator being lit.See Forward Collision Alert (FCA)System 0 237.The system works when driving in aforward gear between 8 km/h(5 mph) and 80 km/h (50 mph),or on vehicles with Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC), above 4 km/h(2 mph). It can detect vehicles up toapproximately 60 m (197 ft).{ WarningFAB is an emergency crashpreparation feature and is notdesigned to avoid crashes. Donot rely on FAB to brake thevehicle. FAB will not brakeoutside of its operating speedrange and only responds todetected vehicles.FAB may not:. Detect a vehicle ahead onwinding or hilly roads.(Continued)Warning (Continued). Detect all vehicles,especially vehicles with atrailer, tractors, muddyvehicles, etc.. Detect a vehicle whenweather limits visibility, suchas in fog, rain, or snow.. Detect a vehicle ahead if itis partially blocked bypedestrians or other objects.Complete attention is alwaysrequired while driving, and youshould be ready to take actionand apply the brakes and/or steerthe vehicle to avoid crashes.FAB may slow the vehicle to acomplete stop to try to avoid apotential crash. If this happens, FABmay engage the Electric ParkingBrake (EPB) to hold the vehicle at astop. Release the EPB or firmlypress the accelerator pedal.