Cadillac CT6 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-9235592) -2016 - crc - 11/6/15Vehicle Care 289Replacement BulbsExterior Lamp BulbNumberLicensePlate Lamp13588150For replacement bulbs not listedhere, contact your dealer.Electrical SystemElectrical SystemOverloadThe vehicle has fuses and circuitbreakers to protect against anelectrical system overload.When the current electrical load istoo heavy, the circuit breaker opensand closes, protecting the circuituntil the current load returns tonormal or the problem is fixed. Thisgreatly reduces the chance of circuitoverload and fire caused byelectrical problems.Fuses and circuit breakers protectpower devices in the vehicle.Replace a bad fuse with a new oneof the identical size and rating.If there is a problem on the road anda fuse needs to be replaced, thesame amperage fuse can beborrowed. Choose some feature ofthe vehicle that is not needed to useand replace it as soon as possible.Headlamp WiringAn electrical overload may causethe lamps to go on and off, or insome cases to remain off. Have theheadlamp wiring checked right awayif the lamps go on and off orremain off.Windshield WipersIf the wiper motor overheats due toheavy snow or ice, the windshieldwipers will stop. Wiper function isavailable immediately after the wiperswitch is set to off, and back to on.To protect the wiper motor fromoverheating, the wipers may slowdown when the windshield is dry fora long period of time. If a period ofdry operation, or little moisture,exceeds 10 minutes, the wipersmay switch to intermittent operation,and remain there. When moisture isagain detected on the windshield,wiper operation will return to theoperator selected speed.Although the circuit is protectedfrom electrical overload, overloaddue to heavy snow or ice maycause wiper linkage damage.