Black plate (3,1)Cadillac CTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-8087685) - 2015 -crc - 8/13/14Lighting 6-3The main beams may not turn offautomatically if the system cannotdetect other vehicle's lampsbecause of any of the following:. The other vehicle's lamp(s) aremissing, damaged, obstructedfrom view, or otherwiseundetected.. The other vehicle's lamp(s) arecovered with dirt, snow, and/orroad spray.. The other vehicle's lamp(s)cannot be detected due to denseexhaust, smoke, fog, snow, roadspray, mist, or other airborneobstructions.. Your vehicle's windscreen isdirty, cracked, or obstructed bysomething that blocks the viewof the light sensor.. Your vehicle's windscreen iscovered with ice, dirt, haze,or other obstructions.. Your vehicle is loaded such thatthe front end points upward,causing the light sensor to aimhigh and not detect headlampsand tail lamps.. You are driving on winding orhilly roads.You may need to manually disableor cancel the main beam headlampsby turning the dipped beamheadlamps on, if any of the aboveconditions exist.Exterior Lamps OffReminderA warning chime will sound if theexterior lamp control is left on ineither the headlight or parking lightposition and the driver door isopened with the ignition off.Headlamp Main/Dipped-Beam Changer2 3 (Headlamp Main/Dipped-Beam Changer): Push theindicator lever away from you andrelease, to turn the main beams on.To return to dipped beams, push thestalk again or pull it toward you andrelease.This indicator light turns on in theinstrument cluster when thehigh-beam headlamps are on.Flash-to-PassThis feature allows the main-beamheadlights to be used to signal thedriver in front of you that you wantto pass.