Black plate (51,1)Cadillac CTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-8087685) - 2015 -crc - 8/13/14Driving and Operating 9-51Selecting the Alert TimingThe Collision Alert control is on thesteering wheel. Press [ to set theFCA timing to Far, Medium, Near,or on some vehicles, Off. The firstbutton press shows the currentsetting on the DIC. Additional buttonpresses will change this setting. Thechosen setting will remain until it ischanged and will affect the timing ofboth the Collision Alert and theTailgating Alert features. The timingof both alerts will vary based onvehicle speed. The faster thevehicle speed, the farther away thealert will occur. Consider traffic andweather conditions when selectingthe alert timing. The range ofselectable alert timing may not beappropriate for all drivers anddriving conditions.If your vehicle is equipped withAdaptive Cruise Control (ACC),changing the FCA timing settingautomatically changes the followinggap setting (Far, Medium, or Near).Unnecessary AlertsFCA may provide unnecessaryalerts for turning vehicles, vehiclesin other lanes, objects that are notvehicles, or shadows. These alertsare normal operation and thevehicle does not need service.Cleaning the SystemIf the FCA system does not seem tooperate properly, cleaning theoutside of the windscreen in front ofthe rear-view mirror and the front ofthe vehicle may correct the issue.Active EmergencyBraking SystemIf the vehicle has Adaptive CruiseControl (ACC) it also has the ActiveEmergency Braking System, whichincludes Intelligent Brake Assist(IBA) and the Automatic CollisionPreparation (ACP) System. Thesesystems can provide a boost tobraking or automatically brake thevehicle to help avoid or lessen theseverity of crashes when driving in aforward gear.Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA)IBA may activate when the brakepedal is applied quickly by providinga boost to braking based on thespeed of approach and distance toa vehicle ahead.Minor brake pedal pulsations orpedal movement during this time isnormal and the brake pedal shouldcontinue to be applied as needed.IBA will automatically disengageonly when the brake pedal isreleased.