21Do not leave theviewfinder exposed todirect sunlight as it maymelt (due to concentrationof the light by the lens). Donot use tripods withfastening screws longerthan 5.5 mm. Doing so may damagethe camcorder.Power SwitchIn addition to turning the camcorder onand off, the switch also togglesthe camcorder’s operating mode.To turn on the camcorder: Hold the lockbutton pressed down and turn theswitch to ON.To change the operating mode: From theON position, turn the switchmomentarily toward MODE and releaseit. This action will toggle the operatingmode between recording (CAMERA -red indicator) and playback (PLAY -green indicator).Operating ModesThe camcorder’s operating mode isdetermined by the switch and theposition of the / switch. In thismanual, indicates that a functionis available in the operating modeshown and indicates that thefunction is not available. When nooperating mode icons are given, theWHEN YOU MOUNT THE CAMCORDER ON ATRIPOD Basic Operation of theCamcorderLock button