Video38• The thumbnail shows a still imagefrom the first scene recorded onthat day. The number below itindicates the number of scenestaken on the selected day.3 Press or to change the dayand press or to move to themonth or year.4 Change the other fields in thesame way to select the desireddate and press .An index screen will appear with theselection frame on the first scenerecorded on the selected date.NOTESYou can also use the control dial.Deleting ScenesYou can delete those scenes that youare not interested in keeping. Deletingscenes also allows you to free up harddisk space.Deleting a Single Scene or All Scenesfrom a Selected DatePOINTS TO CHECKFrom the original index screen, use thenavigation buttons to select a scene.Selecting [ALL SCENES (THIS DATE)]will delete all scenes recorded on thesame day as the selected scene.Selecting [ONE SCENE] will delete onlythe selected scene. To delete a sceneonly in the playlist, press first,and then select the scene.FUNC.( 23)IMPORTANT• Be careful when deleting originalrecordings. Once deleted, an originalscene cannot be recovered.• Back up important scenes beforedeleting them.• Do not use a computer to delete data inthis camcorder.NOTES• Deleting a scene from the original indexscreen also deletes that scene from theplaylist.• Depending on the number of scenes onthe hard disk, deleting a scene may takelonger than usual.• You may not be able to delete scenesshorter than 5 seconds. To delete suchscenes you must initialize the hard disk( 61), in the process deleting all otherrecordings.• Do not change the position of theswitch or the / switch while thescene is being deleted (while the HDDaccess indicator is on or flashing).• Initialize the hard disk to delete allmovies and make all recordable spaceavailable again.( 21)FUNC. DELETEDesired optionYESPLAYLIST