Chapter 8 Using the Telephone, an Answering Machine, and a Modem 8-11Avoiding Conflict Between Fax and DataCommunicationsWhen you are using your data modem for communications, theMultiPASS 1000 recognizes that the line is busy and does notattempt to use the line to start fax communication. However, whenthe MultiPASS 1000 is in a fax communication, the data modemcannot recognize that the line is being used by the MultiPASS 1000.Before starting data communication with your modem, you mustcheck the LCD display on the MultiPASS 1000 to see if it is in thestandby mode. Only start data communications when theMultiPASS 1000 is in standby mode.N Only share the phone line attached to the MultiPASS 1000 withyour data modem if you will use the modem to initiate calls. If youwould like to have others access your computer by calling you, orif you use your modem very frequently, you will need a dedicatedtelephone line for your modem.Using theTelephone