Chapter 11 Printing Fax Reports 11-114. Press START/COPY.The following sample shows a one-touch speed dialing list:Printing a User’s Data ListIf you want to review all of the settings available and the selectionscurrently in place for your MultiPASS 1000, such as your companyname and telephone number, print a USER’S DATA LIST followingthese steps:1. Press FUNCTION.2. Press REPORT.SELECT MENU1.ACTIVITY REPORTSELECT MENUACTIVITY REPORTPrinting FaxReports********************************************* 1-TOUCH SPD DIALING FAX LIST *********************************************SD # CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID MODE TX SPEED BOX[F04] 15163334455 JOHN DOE 9600BPS 0[F05] 4993377 JUDY JOHNSON 9600BPS 0[F05] 17144447777 MICHELE JONES CONFID.TX 9600BPS 0 16[F09] 12086667777 BRAD THOMAS 9600BPS 0[F010] 17147778888 GRAPHICS CORP. CONFID.TX 9600BPS 0 28[F011] 17146662222 STOP THE PRESS 9600BPS 0[F013] 7772244 BOB BUTLER ORIG.TX 9600BPS 0 00********************************************* 1-TOUCH SPD DIALING TEL LIST *********************************************SD # CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID[T01] 18008920020 CANON USA[T02] 43339977 JUDY JOHNSON[T05] 17144447788 MICHELE JONES[T09] 18006667777 GRAPHICS CORP.