Chapter 11 Printing Fax Reports 11-7If the result of a transaction is NG, the transaction is not complete.The number on the left shows the number of pages that were sentnormally. The number following the # sign is an error code. SeeDisplay Messages and Actions in Chapter 14 for error codes.Printing Selective Activity Management ReportsTo print an activity management report automatically, you canselect one of the following options:o AUTO PRINTPrints an activity management report automatically after each20 transactionso DAILY REPORT TIMEPrints an activity management report automatically at thesame time each dayo TX/RX SEPARATEDivides the activity management report into sending andreceiving transactionsPrinting FaxReports******************************** ACTIVITY REPORT ********************************MODE CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE T PAGES RESULT*TX G3 16667778888 JOHN DOE 06/25 09:08 07’00 8 OK*TX G3 12086662233 LINDA SMITH 06/25 09:22 02’57 3 OK*TX G3 14192223344 MARY JONES 06/25 09:51 01’51 4 OK*TX G3 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 10:30 00’35 0 NG0 ##280*TX ECM 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 10:32 00’34 0 NG0 ##280*MEMORY RX ECM 15163336666 PRINT CORP. 06/25 10:32 00’34 0 OK0 ##280*TX ECM 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 10:34 02’07 3 OK*RX ECM 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 10:42 07’48 15 OK*TX ECM 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 11:38 18’41 30 OK*TX ECM 17147778988 GRAPHICS CORP. 06/25 11:59 00’21 0 NG0 ##280*TX G3 17147778999 GRAPHICS CORP. 06/25 12:04 00’22 0 NG0 ##280*TX G3 1208666777 BRAD THOMAS 06/25 12:07 00’00 0 NG0 ##280*TX ECM 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 12:08 07’00 18 OK*AUTO RX ECM 15163334499 CANON FAX - HQ 06/25 19:46 03’37 9 OK*AUTO RX ECM 15163336666 CANON USA FAX 06/25 20:19 03’03 7 OK*AUTO RX ECM 15165557777 CANON USA FAX 06/25 20:41 00’57 2 OK*TX G3 17145557788 MICHELE JONES 06/25 12:22 02’57 5 OK*TX G3 15163334455 CANON USA 06/25 12:51 01’51 4 OK