Chapter 9 Using Special Dialing 9-9Communicating Using the Distinctive Ringing PatternDetector (DRPD) FeatureUsing the MultiPASS 1000 with a DRP service is almost the sameas using it with a normal telephone line. When you receive calls,however, the MultiPASS 1000 responds somewhat differently, asdescribed below.N It’s a good idea to use DRP service with automatic receiving only.MultiPASS 1000 set for automatic receiving(ANS HOOK UP and MANUAL lights off)o When someone calls using the number assigned for telephonecommunication, the MultiPASS 1000 rings in the pattern youregistered in the above procedure. When you hear thetelephone call ring pattern, simply pick up the handset (orextension phone) and talk. If you do not pick up the handset,the MultiPASS 1000 continues to ring until the other partyhangs up.o When someone sends a fax using the number assigned for faxcommunication, the MultiPASS 1000 does not ring. It receivesthe document automatically.MultiPASS 1000 set for manual receiving(MANUAL light on)When you receive a call over any of the numbers in the DRPsystem, the MultiPASS 1000 rings in the appropriate pattern youregistered earlier. Pick up the handset.o If the call is from a person, talk normally.o If you hear a slow beep, press START/COPY to receive a fax.MultiPASS 1000 set for an answering machine(ANS HOOK UP light on)o When someone calls using the number assigned for telephonecommunication, the MultiPASS 1000 rings in the pattern youregistered earlier. While the MultiPASS 1000 rings, theanswering machine connects and then takes over the call.o When someone sends a fax using the number assigned for faxcommunication, the MultiPASS 1000 receives the documentautomatically.Using SpecialDialing