About Technical TermsIn this section, technical terms used in the manual are explained.ABCDFIKLMOPRSTUWA• Access PointA wireless transceiver or base station that receives information from wireless clients/the machineand rebroadcasts it. Required in an infrastructure network.• Ad-hocClient computer and machine setting where wireless communication occurs on a peer-to-peer basis, i.e., all clients in with the same SSID/network name communicate directly witheach other. No access point is required. This machine does not support ad-hoccommunication.• Admin PasswordAdministration password in IJ Network Tool to restrict access to network users. It must beentered to access the printer and change printer settings.When the printer's network settings are factory default, the admin password does not haveto been entered.• AESAn encryption method. It is optional for WPA. Strong cryptographic algorithm adopted withinU.S. government organizations for information processing.• Authentication MethodThe method that an access point uses to authenticate a printer through a wireless LAN. Themethods are agreeable each other.When using WEP as an encryption method, the authentication method is able to fix to OpenSystem or Shared Key.For WPA/WPA2, authentication method is PSK.• AutoThe printer automatically changes its authentication method to match the access point.• Open SystemIn this authentication method, the communication partner is authenticated without usingWEP key even if Use WEP is selected.• Shared Key