3-8 Sending and Receiving Faxes Chapter 3Memory SendingMemory sending is a quick and easy way to send a fax. When you usememory sending, the MultiPASS C20 scans the document into itsmemory as it dials the fax number. If the line is free, the MultiPASS C20begins sending the fax as it scans the rest of the document.The MultiPASS C20 has enough memory to store up to 42 pages (fewerif the document contains many graphics or particularly dense text).Since the MultiPASS C20 is a multitasking device, you can use memorysending to scan one document into memory and at the same time sendanother fax, receive a fax, or print a document. Follow the instructionsbelow to send a document with memory sending:1. Prepare the document, load it into the Automatic Document Feeder(ADF), and adjust the resolution as described in “Loading theDocument” on page 4-5.❏ You may not be able to use memory sending if the percentageshown in the MEMORY USED display is close to 100%. In thiscase, use manual sending via the handset to send yourdocument.2. Use the numeric buttons to dial the other party’s fax number.Ex:❏ You can either dial the number directly, or use one of the speeddialling methods described in “Automatic Speed Dialling” onpage 3-11.❏ If you must first dial a digit to get an outside line (e.g. “9”),press the (REDIAL)/PAUSE button to add a pause afterthat digit, as shown in the example above.3. Press START/COPY.❏ The MultiPASS C20 then begins scanning the document intomemory, and dials the number:After a few seconds, the display shows the number of pages ithas scanned:SCANNING P.001TXTEL=9p15037537981 2ABC3DEF4 5JKLGHI6MNO7 8TUVPQRS9WXYZ0