Chapter 3 Sending and Receiving Faxes 3-13Sending andReceiving Faxes6. Press START/COPY again, then use the numeric buttons to enterthe telephone/fax number you want to store.Ex:❏ The telephone/fax number can be up to 39 digits long.❏ Press the >> button to enter spaces between numbers (spaces areoptional and are ignored during dialling).❏ If you want to clear a mistaken entry, press the << button.❏ To enter a pause in the number, press the (REDIAL)/PAUSE button one or more times.**Users in the UK can only enter one pause between digits in tel/faxnumbers.7. Press START/COPY.8. Press START/COPY again, then use the numeric buttons to store thename that goes with the number. (See page 2-53 for details onentering letters.)Ex:❏ You can store up to 16 characters for the name.9. Press START/COPY.10. To continue registering numbers and names repeat steps, 4 to 9.-or-If you have finished registering numbers and names, press STOP toreturn to the standby mode.14:38 FaxOnly05=CANON U.S.A. :ANAMETEL= 516 488 67001 2ABC3DEF4 5JKLGHI6MNO7 8TUVPQRS9WXYZ01 2ABC3DEF4 5JKLGHI6MNO7 8TUVPQRS9WXYZ0