3-32 Sending and Receiving Faxes Chapter 3Using Group DiallingTo send a fax to a group, follow these instructions.1. Prepare the document, load it into the Automatic Document Feeder(ADF), and adjust the resolution as described in “Loading theDocument” on page 4-5.2. Use the one-touch speed dialling buttons and/or the CODED DIALbutton (along with the two-digit codes) to select the groupsregistered under those buttons and/or codes.❑ If you make a mistake when selecting a group, press the(STOP) button and start again.❑ You can make up to 55 groups.❑ If you press a one-touch speed dialling button or coded speeddialling code that has no group (or fax number) registered under it,the LCD displays NO TEL #. Make sure you pressed the correct one-touch speed dialling button or entered the correct coded speeddialling code, and that the group you want has been registeredcorrectly under that button or code.❑ After entering a one-touch speed-dialling button or coded speeddialling code, you have five or ten seconds to press each subsequentspeed-dialling button or code before the MultiPASS C20 beginssending.3. When you finish entering groups, press START/COPY.❑ The MultiPASS C20 then scans the document into memory, andbegins dialling the numbers in the groups.N