Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6-9TroubleshootingPrinting ProblemsIf you are having problems printing with the MultiPASS C20, check theproblems and solutions listed in the following table.Problem Possible cause SolutionThe ALARM lamp The MultiPASS C20 may Clear any paper jams ascomes on and the have a paper jam. described above.MultiPASS C20 beepswhile printing If the MultiPASS C20 has nopaper jam, unplug it, wait 5seconds, then plug it inagain. If the problem isfixed, the ALARM lamp willbe off, the BJ cartridge willmove to its home position,and the LCD display willshow the time and receivingmode (standby mode).If the ALARM lamp stayson, call your localauthorised Canon dealer orservice centre.Nothing prints The power cord may not be Make sure the power cordplugged in securely. is plugged securely into theunit and into a wall outlet.The interface cable may not Check the interface cable’sbe securely connected to the connections. See page 2-20.MultiPASS C20 and thecomputer.The interface cable may not Make sure you are using abe the correct type. bi-directional parallelinterface cable. See page2-20.The MultiPASS C20 or Unplug the MultiPASS C20computer were turned on and turn the computer off,while you were connecting then plug the MultiPASSthe interface cable. C20 in and turn thecomputer on again.