Menu Settings Summary Tables 5-11Sleep Timer off, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 min.(Default: 20 min.)Sets the time interval for the printer toremain idle before it enters the sleepmode. If set off, the printer neverenters the sleep mode.EOP Timer 10, 30 sec.; 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60 min.(Default: 60 min.)Sets the job timeout setting for theprinter.Replace P.head No*, Yes Sets the printer in the replace printheadmode.Adjust PrinterAuto Print On*, Off Automatically prints Pattern A afterreplacing the printhead.Print Pattern AAdj. Setting AAdj. Setting BAdj. Setting CAdj. Setting DAdj. Setting EAdj. Setting FAdj. Setting GAdj. Setting HAdj. Setting IAdj. Setting JAdj. Setting KAllows you to adjust the alignment ofthe printhead to correct color and thedirection of printing. Print Patterns Ato K for each step of adjustment.Print Pattern BAdj. Setting LAdj. Setting MAdj. Setting NAdj. Setting PAdj. Setting QAdj. Setting RAdj. Setting SAdj. Setting TAdj. Setting UAdj. Setting V ~ ZAllows you to adjust the amount offeed for the media. After selecting themedia type, print the pattern for theadjustment and set the value for eachtype. (L: Plain Paper, M: CoatedPaper, N: Heavy Coated Paper, P:Glossy Paper, Q: Photo Glossy Paper,R: Photo Semi-Glossy Paper, S:Glossy Film, T: Back Print Film, U:Proofing Paper, V~Z: Special 1 ~5)Move Printer No*, YesSets the printer to the mode thatenables you to carry out theprocedures required before shippingthe printer to another location.Stand*6 Use*, No Use Sets the W7250 for installation of theoptional stand.IP SettingIP AddressSubnet MaskDefault G/W—Allows you to set the networkinformation for a TCP/IP networkinterface. After making each TCP/IPsettings, be sure to execute “Regis.Settings” to enable the settings.Regis. Settings Yes*, No Enables all the settings previouslyadjusted for the network interface.Menu Item Available Settings Function