Problem Some applications can only be installed in certain printer models. It cannot be installed in this model.Action Specify an application that supports this printer.Cannot install this application because an applet included in the specified application has exceededthe area that can be displayed in the device panel.Problem The application cannot be installed because the display area of an applet included in the applicationexceeds the area that can be displayed on the operation panel of the printer.Action Install an application that contains applets that support this printer.The specified file is an update file. Stop the application that you want update and then install thefile.Problem The specified application file is a file for updating an application which is already installed. It is necessaryto stop the application which is to be updated before updating.Action Stop the application that you want to update, and then perform the update again.Cannot install the application because the license requirement is different. Uninstall the specifiedapplication, and then try to install the application again.Problem You have tried to upgrade an application which is already installed using a version of the same applicationwith different license requirements.Action Upgrade using the same license conditions.Cannot install this application because storage space has been exceeded. Uninstall otherapplications and then try to install it again.Problem The application cannot be installed because there is not enough free storage capacity.Action Make storage capacity available by uninstalling an application that is not being used.Could not cancel installation. Installation has been successfully completed.Problem The [Cancel] button was pressed when the installation operation could not be cancelled.Action Disable the license file, download it from the [License Management] page, and then uninstall it.This application does not support the MEAP version of the device. Contact your servicerepresentative after checking the application version.Problem The specified application cannot be installed because it does not support the MEAP version on thisprinter.Action Contact the application developer.The specified application cannot be installed on this device.Problem The specified application cannot be installed because there is not enough memory in the printer.Action Contact your local authorized Canon dealer or sales representatives.The process is canceled because the system has been shut down. Restart the system, and thenperform the process again.㻤㻞㻞㻌㻛㻌㻥㻢㻟Downloaded from Manuals