0001 The aligning plate home position sensordoes not go on even when the aligningmotor has been driven for 0.5 sec. (if attime of initialization, 1.67 sec)alignment motor (M5S), aligning platehome position sensor (PI5S)- Check the alignment motor (M5S) andthe aligning plate home position sensor(PI5S).0002 The aligning plate home position sensordoes not go off even when the aligningplate has been driven for 1 sec.alignment motor (M5S), aligning platehome position sensor (PI5S)E5F4 There is a saddle rear stapler error.0001 The stitching hone position sensor doesnot go on even when the stitching motor(rear) has been driven in reverse for 0.5 secor more.stitching motor (rear, M6S), stitchinghome position sensor (rear, MS5S)- Check the stitching motor (rear, M6S)and the stitching home position sensor(rear, MS5S).0002 the stitching home position sensor does notgo off even when the stitching motor (rear)has been driven in normal direction for 0.5sec or more.stitching motor (rear, M6S), stitchinghome position sensor (rear, MS5S)E5F5 There is a saddle front stapling error.0001 The stitching home position sensor doesnot go on even when the stitching motor(front) has been driven in reverse for 0.5sec or more.stitching motor (front, M7S), stitchinghome position sensor (front, MS7S)- Check the stitching motor (front, M7S)and the stitching home position sensor(front, MS7S).0002 The stitching home position sensor doesnot go off even when the stitching motor(front) has been driven in normal directionfor 0.5 sec or more.stitching motor (front, M7S), stitchinghome position sensor (front, MS7S)E5F6 There is a saddle butting error.Code Description Remedy