Important• Depending on the paper, there are types that cannot be cut by the cutter unit, and types that speeddeterioration of the blade and cause damage to the cutter. For thick paper, hard paper, etc. do not usethe cutter unit, and instead cut the roll paper using scissors, etc. after printing. In this case, select UserCut as the Automatic Cutting Settings.• If borderless printing is performed on paper where the ink drying is poor, the cutter unit may leavescratches where it touches the printed surface, or may not cut correctly. In this kind of situation, con-figure the amount of time to wait for the ink to dry after printing using Drying Time. Alternatively, ifthe paper cannot be cut well by the cutter, set the Automatic Cutting Settings to User Cut and cutthe roll paper using scissors, etc.• Paper where borderless printing can be performed is limited by the media type and roll paper width.Refer to "Compatible Paper →P.695 ".• For custom paper where there is a need to set the Automatic Cutting Settings to User Cut, set theBorderless Printing to Deny.10. The Step 5: Configure the amount of ink used dialog box is displayed.The upper limit on the amount of ink used to print to the custom paper is set on this screen by selecting from amongseveral levels.First, click the Test Print button to perform a test print of each level.Important• If Newsprint for Proofing was selected as the standard paper for the custom paper, you cannot per-form the test print or configure the maximum ink usage.Mac OS X Software > Media Configuration Tool >iPF8300 Add Custom Paper5701Downloaded from Manuals